In the heart of the Andean Altiplano, eight-year-old Feliciano tends to a herd of alpacas alongside his trusty dog Rambo and his favorite alpaca Ronaldo, named after the superstar soccer player. When not roaming the countryside, Feliciano stays glued to his radio, listening to Peru fight its way through the World Cup qualifiers. But his idyllic life is threatened by a mining company eyeing his family's land. When Ronaldo goes missing, Feliciano springs into action to get his prized pet back, while the villagers will have to band together to save their sacred land. Gorgeously lensed, Franco García Becerra's film addresses serious contemporary issues plaguing indigenous communities through the eyes of an innocent child, played with ample charm by Alberth Merma. Official Selection, 2024 Berlin and Seattle film festivals. DIR/PROD Franco García Becerra; SCR/PROD Annemarie Gunkel; SCR Alicia Quispe; PROD Jorge Constantino, Diego Sarmiento. Peru/Chile, 2024, color, 84 min. In Spanish and Quechua with English subtitles. NOT RATED
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