In the final film of the Godzilla franchise's Heisei era, the titular kaiju is on the verge of a meltdown after its nuclear-reactor heart is irradiated by uranium, turning it into a glowing, steam-emitting menace whose explosive death will ignite the Earth's atmosphere. But that's not the only threat to the world: a colony of Precambrian crustaceans, mutated by the Oxygen Destroyer from the 1954 film, emerge from the depths and merge into the demonic, flying behemoth Destoroyah. Naturally, the two come to blows, though it seems whichever creature wins, humanity loses. Featuring two of the long-running series' most unique and beloved creature designs, GODZILLA VS. DESTOROYAH was a commercial success, no doubt in large part due to Toho's advertising campaign that promised this would be the film in which "Godzilla dies!" DIR Takao Okawara; SCR Kazuki Ômori; PROD Tomoyuki Tanaka, Shogo Tomiyama. Japan, 1995, color, 103 min. In Cantonese, Japanese and English with English subtitles. NOT RATED
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