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U.S. Premiere

An upper-crust empty nester, Dominique (Cecilia García) runs her home with precision, with little thanks given to her long-standing live-in maid Carmen (Xiomara Fortuna) — though it stings when Dominque's successful children are quick to point out who really raised them. One day Carmen brings her seven-year-old granddaughter to work but disappears without a trace, leaving the young girl in Dominque's care. Rekindling her maternal instincts, Dominque is all too happy to take in the child, much to the shock of her friends and family. Filmmaker Laura Amelia Guzmán (HOLY BEASTS, SAND DOLLARS), working from a script written with her longtime collaborator Israel Cárdenas, mines the loneliness of middle-aged motherhood to create a simmering social drama. Official Selection, 2023 Rotterdam and Málaga film festivals. DIR/SCR Laura Amelia Guzmán; SCR/PROD Israel Cárdenas; PROD Rafael Elías Muñoz, Sarah Perez Baez. Dominican Republic, 2023, color, 90 min. In Spanish with English subtitles. NOT RATED

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90 Minutes

BABYGIRL (2023) Showtimes

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