SUZUME opens April 14 as a first-run engagement." /> AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center


[KIMI NO NA WA] [君の名は]
High schoolers Mitsuha and Taki are total strangers living completely different lives — until one night, she wakes up in his body, and he in hers. The bizarre, intermittent body swapping continues, forcing the two to adjust and communicate through notes, messages and even on each other's skin. The resulting experience is a romance for the ages, one that propelled YOUR NAME to become the second highest-grossing Japanese film of all time, upon its release. Inspired by a visit to a town following the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, director Makoto Shinkai combines adolescent awkwardness, his fixation on how people communicate across space and time (as evident in his debut film VOICES OF A DISTANT STAR) and stunningly detailed backgrounds to create an emotional rollercoaster of a film that leaves audiences with broad smiles and tear-stained eyes. DIR/SCR Makoto Shinkai; PROD Kōichirō Itō, Katsuhiro Takei. Japan, 2016, color, 107 min. In Japanese with English subtitles. RATED PG

AFI Member passes accepted.

Makoto Shinkai's new film SUZUME opens April 14 as a first-run engagement.

107 Minutes
Animation, fantasy

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