"The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club." David Fincher definitively established his auteur status with this inventive adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk’s controversial novel. The film's unnamed Narrator (Edward Norton) is a depressed, insomniac, white-collar drone. Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) lives by his wits and has the guts to go his own way as a part-time movie projectionist and soap salesman, and a full-time lover of freedom. Fast friends, they join forces and form Fight Club, wherein men bare-knuckle brawl away their frustrations. But after Fight Club becomes "Project Mayhem," a national anti-capitalist movement, things rapidly deteriorate for the Narrator and Tyler. DIR David Fincher; SCR Jim Uhls, from the novel by Chuck Palahniuk; PROD Ross Grayson Bell, Ceán Chaffin, Art Linson. U.S., 1999, color, 139 min. RATED R